Monday, October 21, 2019

Five out of Four Foodologists agree this is the Healthiest Lunch you Can Have!

In this day and age, everybody and their diseased grandmother* has a damn podcast. You can barely take five steps without tripping over a couple of neckbeards with a podcast where they break down Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills, one episode at a time. And yes, that’s a real show. Or maybe it’s a cooking podcast with dishes using only locally sourced ingredients from restaurant dumpsters, because that’s what’s best for the environment and your bowels!

Unfortunately, it is my ironic duty to say that I have also jumped into the fray, bringing my own brand of stupidness to this bloated miasma of voices screaming into the void, begging to be heard.

Except my shit is funny.

Allow me to introduce you to your new favorite pastime, which is basically just listening to the magnificent timbre of my melodious voice. For people who don’t know me in real life, (or IRL as we cool kids say), then now’s your chance to add a voice to the well-crafted wordplay you’ve come to expect when reading my words.

Do you like movies? Sure, we all do, (except for Leopold, but who cares about that guy?!) Especially movies with characters, dialogue and maybe, if you’re lucky, a location or two. Who could ask for anything more?

Me. I could ask for more.

Sometimes just watching a movie isn’t enough. Sometimes the movie is so good or technically astounding that you want a peek behind the curtains. Sometimes a movie is so baffling and brain-meltingly defective, that you need to know how the hell it was made, or you’ll never get a second of sleep again and you’ll end up in a padded room facing a corner and rocking back and forth while singing “This is the song that never ends.”
When things like this happen, when your curiosity about the behind-the-scenes work, the natural thing to do is to listen to the movie commentary. Usually that’s the director, the producer, maybe the script-writer and an actor or two, sitting in a cigarette smoke-filled room, reminiscing about making the movie as they watch it. You get some good insight, some funny stories and a lot of jibber jabber.

I’m here to offer you an alternative to such meritocracy. The Lunchbox Podcast. With the Lunchbox Podcast, you get to learn about your favorite movies while enjoying a hearty guffaw at the same time.  Here’s the premise: you download an episode of Lunchbox. Each episode is a different movie. We cover all types: 80s, late 80s, early 80s, and probably other non-80s related flicks, there’s no way to be certain. Once you’ve downloaded an episode, you acquire the movie that will be commented upon. Then you play the movie while simultaneously listening to our podcast. Don’t worry, we make syncing up both things very easy. And voila! You get to watch a movie with some hilarious, disembodied voices commenting on the action!

John “Tidily-winks” Kinhart and I started Lunchbox Podcast about a year ago as a way to learn more about the movies we enjoy and make fun of them at the same time. Very much in the vein of one of our favorite shows Mystery Science Theater 3000, and if you don’t know that the hell that show is, don’t fret, that means you actually have a life.

Of course, I’m kidding about all episodes being 80s movies. A lot of them are, because that’s just our wheelhouse. But our real mission is to mostly pick movies that are easily accessible and haven’t been done to death by other podcasts and tv shows. Meaning such fare as The Room and Human Centipede were right out. They’re low hanging fruit.  We try to be all encompassing. Comedy, romance (gag!) horror, science fiction, and more. We’ve commented on such movies as Die Hard, When Harry Met Sally, Airborne, Return to Oz, Friday, Princess Bride and the Zapruder film.**
So, if you’re stuck in traffic, or an elevator, or a boring college lecture or even in another annoying and pointless argument with your significant other or overbearing mother, turn on a tv (or activate your optic holographic simulators, depending on what year you’re reading this), toss on your headphones, pop a Fizzleschmitz And enjoy a laugh or two on us, your friendly neighborhood Lunchbox Podcast.

*How does one even contract the Bubonic Plague in Iowa?

** One of these may be a lie.

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