Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Sometimes These Things Happen I

When Travis was 15, he grew a tail.

It wasn’t a cool tail, like a monkey's. It wasn’t extra-furry or shaggy like a dog’s. It wasn’t short and stupid, like a pig’s and it wasn’t beautiful and functional like a peacock’s. If anything, it was like a cat’s or some kind of feline. It was about two feet long and covered with yellow fur, with a small tuft of red fur at the end.

And it grew overnight. Travis went to bed one night a normal teen and woke up a be-tailed freak.

A person’s natural reaction to waking up to a mutated, Kafka-esque nightmare, would be to scream and freak out, and Travis was no exception. Upon the discovery, in the mirror, of his tail, he screamed for about 10 seconds before he passed out on the floor at the foot of his bed.

Waking seven minutes later, Travis felt recovered enough to take a shower and get dressed. He discovered that he had sufficient control over his tail to wrap it around his leg a few times and as long as his pants were baggy enough, he wouldn’t look like John Holmes on steroids.

Walking proved to be a bit difficult and sitting even more so. He had to spend a good fifteen minutes walking in a circle around his room before he felt comfortable enough to go out into the world. He wasn’t too sure what a day of sitting in the world’s most uncomfortable desks would feel like, but he figured he’d learn soon enough.

At breakfast, his mother didn’t notice his fidgeting as he downed his regular breakfast of a bacon, egg and pop tart sandwich. She was too caught up in her own universe where the only things that mattered were stocks, quotas, portfolios and some guy named Dow. Her eyes were glued to the financial section of the paper and her ears were deaf to anything but her own thoughts of trends, investments and money.

Likewise, on the bus, it didn’t seem like anybody else noticed him shift from one cheek to the other as they headed to school. At least, that’s what he thought, until he noticed Hana, across the aisle, staring at him from the corner of her eye.

“What’s wrong with you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow.
“What’re you talking about?” Travis responded.

“It looks like you’ve got hemorrhoids or something! Why do you keep moving like that?”

Travis knew Hana was one of the biggest gossips in the school. Entire reputations had been built and destroyed simply by one casually thrown-away statement into the right (or wrong) ear. If he didn’t want to end up a social pariah, he would have to play this off carefully. Throw her off the scent and lead her to think something else. The best way to do that would be to tell her something slightly embarrassing, but not as bad as the truth.

“Yeah, how’d you know? I usually have one of those donut cushions, but I had to let my grandpa borrow it today,” he said.
“Ewwww! You need to keep that info to yourself!” she said, with obvious disgust before returning to her conversation with a girl in the seat in front of her.

A few giggles and surreptitious glances from Hana and her friend let Travis know that the rumor had been spread. Luckily, she accepted the story, so his secret was safe. On the other hand, all 1,400 students at Rocky Mount High School would soon be making fun of him for having hemorrhoids. Embarrassing, but not as bad as it could be.

Travis found that as long as he didn’t think too hard about the fact that he had a tail, he was able to get through the day with a semblance of normality. He may have looked awkward while sitting through the eight periods of the school day, but he didn’t attract too much gawking.

When he got home after school, he was able to concentrate on his homework, enjoy dinner and watch tv until it was time for bed. He rarely thought about his new appendage.

The next morning, Travis discovered that he didn’t even care that he had a tail. It was starting to feel natural, a part of his body.

After a week, he felt like he’d always had a tail, he couldn’t remember what it felt like to not have one.

After a month he even forgot he had a tail.

That’s probably why he got careless about hiding it, and how his brother, Mark, was able to discover Travis’ secret. 


One Saturday morning, while Travis was taking a shower, his younger brother decided to play a trick on him. He snuck into the bathroom and stole Travis’ clothes with a loud, high-throated guffaw. Travis opened the shower curtain and saw Mark running down the hallway with an armful of clothing. In anger, Travis quickly grabbed a towel and wrapped it around his waist and immediately gave chase.

Travis chased his brother all around the upstairs hallway, through their parents’ master bedroom and bathroom. Mark was small and was as impossible to get a good grasp on as those eels who secrete slime and tie themselves into knots so you can’t catch them. Gross.
The chase made its way downstairs and into the living room. The whole time, Mark kept looking back at his older brother and laughing in that maniacal way that only little kids can get away with.

Suddenly, Mark looked back and stopped dead in his tracks. Travis’ clothes falling from his arms, forgotten. His eyes grew as wide as Betty Boop’s as he stared just behind Travis. He was speechless. This left Travis confused, so he turned to look over his right shoulder to see what shocked his brother so much. And that’s when he saw his tail, swaying left and right in the slight house breeze, the red tuft bobbing to and fro, like a lazy person batting at a pesky fly.

After a moment, Mark’s paralysis broke and he screamed at the top of his lungs

“Mooooooom!!!! Daaaad!!!!” he yelled before turning and running at full speed into the kitchen. Travis followed.

1 comment:

KadijaKadija said...

....and then??